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What you need to know
Piroplasmosis is one of the most common parasitic diseases, it still kills many dogs each year.
Canine piroplasmosis is also called canine babesiosis. This disease is one of the most common in dogs. It is transmitted by the bite of a tick, widely present throughout the territory.
The tick feeds on the animal's blood, the infectious agent present in its saliva contaminates the dog, passes into its blood and enters its red blood cells where it multiplies and destroys them.
Mild temperatures mean that the risk of being bitten by a tick and contracting piroplasmosis is high throughout the year.
Piroplasmosis, while a serious disease for the dog that contracts it, is not transmitted from one dog to another. A sick dog cannot infect another animal or a human either.
Symptoms of piroplasmosis:
A high fever
Significant tiredness
Loss of appetite, sometimes accompanied by vomiting
Abnormal urine color (red, orange or brown)
In the presence of these symptoms, it is important to check if your dog has any attached ticks, and to consult us immediately to exclude the possibility of piroplasmosis. It is a serious disease that requires treatment as soon as possible.